Чувствительность в игре, настройка [senfix] Помощь

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем Andrey_Tate, 6 июл 2018.

Статус темы:
  1. Andrey_Tate

    Andrey_Tate Участник

    Вообщем ребят, столкнулся с такой проблемой как чувствительность мышки.
    Я играю на 400 dpi и на 1 палочки чувствительности в самой игре..Но по вертикали очень жуткая чувствительность..Такая , что стрелять практически не возможно. Пробовал переустановку игры. Не помогает..
    В САМПЕ качали клео senfix которое понижало чувствительность.
    Вооот... Ну и нашел Senfix для крмп, это обычный файл ахк(Скрипт) который запускаешь когда включаешь пк.
    Но загрузить на форум этот файл нельзя. Поэтому создайте обычный файл ахк (Чистый) , скопируйте код, ну и вставьте скрипт в ахк, после чего запустите его.Должно помочь, если не помогло пишите в ВК (В росписи есть)

    #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    #SingleInstance, force
    if not A_IsAdmin
    Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
    Menu, Tray, NoStandard ; remove standard Menu items
    Menu, Tray, Add , &Reload, Reload ;add a item named Change that goes to the Change label
    Menu, Tray, Add , &Exit, ButtonExit ;add a item named Exit that goes to the ButtonExit label
    gta := new memory("ahk_exe grand_theft_auto_san_andreas.dll")
    SetTimer, CheckIfGtaWasRun, 3000
    If !ProcessExist("grand_theft_auto_san_andreas.dll")
    sleep 2000
    mouseXingame := gta.read(0xB6EC1C, "float")
    if (mouseXingame = "" or mouseXingame = "Fail")
    sleep 2000
    If FileExist("sensfix setting by Stari4ok.ini")
    IniRead, var, sensfix setting by Stari4ok.ini, sensitivity, value
    gta.write(0xB6EC1C, var, "float") ;mouseX
    gta.write(0xB6EC18, var, "float") ;mouseY
    mouseX := gta.read(0xB6EC1C, "float")
    mouseY := gta.read(0xB6EC18, "float")
    if (mouseY != mouseX or mouseX = "" or mouseX = "Fail")
    sleep 2000
    if (mouseY = mouseX and mouseX != "" and mouseX != "Fail" and mouseX != 0)
    SetTimer, CheckIfGtaWasClosed, 3000
    SetTimer, CheckIfGtaWasRun, off
    IniWrite, %mouseXingame%, sensfix setting by Stari4ok.ini, sensitivity, value
    sleep 500
    If !ProcessExist("grand_theft_auto_san_andreas.dll")
    SetTimer, CheckIfGtaWasRun, 3000
    SetTimer, CheckIfGtaWasClosed, off
    return Errorlevel
    /* 12/4/14
    RHCP basic memory class:
    This is a basic wrapper for commonly used read and write memory functions.
    This allows scripts to read/write integers and strings of various types.
    Pointer addresses can easily be read/written by passing the base address and offsets to the various read/write functions
    Process handles are kept open between reads. This increases speed.
    Note, if a program closes/restarts then the process handle will be invalid
    and you will need to re-open another handle (blank/destroy the object and then recreate the it)
    read(), readString(), write(), and writeString() can be used to read and write memory addresses respectively.
    ReadRawMemory() can be used to dump large chunks of memory, this is considerably faster when
    reading data from a large structure compared to repeated calls to read().
    Although, most people wouldn't notice the performance difference. This does however require you
    to retrieve the values using AHK's numget()/strGet() from the dumped memory
    When the new operator is used this class returns a object which can be used to read that processes
    memory space.
    To read another process simply create another object.
    process handles are automatically closed when the script exits/restarts.
    This was written for 32 bit target processes, but the various read/write functions
    should still work when directly reading/writing an address in a 64 bit process.
    The pointer parts of these functions wont, as I assume pointers are stored as 64bit values.
    Also very large (unsigned) 64 bit integers may not be read correctly - the current function works
    for the 64 bit ints I use it on. AHK doesn't directly support 64bit unsigned ints anyway
    If the process has admin privileges, then the AHK script will also require admin privileges to work.
    **Note: If you wish to try this calc example, ensure you run the 32 bit version of calc.exe -
    which is in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\calc.exe on 64 bit systems. You can still read/write directly to
    a 64 bit calc process address (I doubt pointers will work), but the getBaseAddressOfModule() example
    will not work unless the you are using a 64 bit version of ahk (it will return -4 indicating the operation is not possible)
    Open a process with sufficient access to read and write memory addresses (this is required before you can use the other functions)
    You only need to do this once. But if the process closes, then you will need to reopen.
    calc := new memory("ahk_exe calc.exe")
    Note: This can be an ahk_exe, ahk_class, ahk_pid, or simply the window title.
    Get the processes base address
    msgbox % calc.BaseAddress
    Get the base address of a module
    msgbox % calc.getBaseAddressOfModule("GDI32.dll")
    write 1234 to a UInt at address 0x0016CB60
    calc.write(0x0016CB60, 1234, "UInt")
    read a UInt
    value := calc.read(0x0016CB60, "UInt")
    read a pointer with offsets 0x20 and 0x15C which points to a uchar
    value := calc.read(pointerBase, "UChar", 0x20, 0x15C)
    Note: read(), readString(), ReadRawMemory(), write(), and writeString() all support pointers/offsets
    An array of pointers can be passed directly, i.e.
    arrayPointerOffsets := [0x20, 0x15C]
    value := calc.read(pointerBase, "UChar", arrayPointerOffsets*)
    Or they can be entered manually
    value := calc.read(pointerBase, "UChar", 0x20, 0x15C)
    read a utf-16 null terminated string of unknown length at address 0x1234556 - the function will read each character until the null terminator is found
    string := calc.readString(0x1234556, length := 0, encoding := "utf-16")
    read a utf-8 encoded 12 character string at address 0x1234556
    string := calc.readString(0x1234556, 12)
    By default a null terminator is included at the end of written strings for writeString()
    The nullterminator property can be used to change this.
    memory.insertNullTerminator := False ; This will change the property for all processes
    calc.insertNullTerminator := False ; Changes the property for just this process
    class memory
    static baseAddress, hProcess
    , insertNullTerminator := True
    , readChunkSize := 128
    , aTypeSize := { "UChar": 1, "Char": 1
    , "UShort": 2, "Short": 2
    , "UInt": 4, "Int": 4
    , "UFloat": 4, "Float": 4
    , "Int64": 8, "Double": 8}
    ; Although unsigned 64bit values are not supported, you can read them as int64 or doubles and interpret
    ; the negative numbers as large values
    ; The byRef handle can be used to check if it opened the process successfully
    ; otherwise can check if the returned value is an object
    ; Refer to openProcess() method for details on these parameters
    __new(program, dwDesiredAccess := "", byRef handle := "", windowMatchMode := 3)
    if !(handle := this.openProcess(program, dwDesiredAccess, windowMatchMode))
    return ""
    this.BaseAddress := this.getProcessBaseAddress(program, windowMatchMode)
    return this
    ; program can be an ahk_exe, ahk_class, ahk_pid, or simply the window title. e.g. "ahk_exe SC2.exe" or "Starcraft II"
    ; but its safer not to use the window title, as some things can have the same window title - e.g. a folder called "Starcraft II"
    ; would have the same window title as the game itself.
    ; To use the scripts current setting for SetTitleMatchMode, simply pass 0 or A_TitleMatchMode as
    ; the windowMatchMode parameter
    openProcess(program, dwDesiredAccess := "", windowMatchMode := 3)
    ; if an application closes/restarts the previous handle becomes invalid so reopen it to be safe (closing a now invalid handle is fine i.e. wont cause an issue)
    ; This default access level is sufficient to read and write memory addresses.
    ; if the program is run using admin privileges, then this script will also need admin privileges
    if dwDesiredAccess is not integer
    dwDesiredAccess := (PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION := 0x0400) | (PROCESS_VM_OPERATION := 0x8) | (PROCESS_VM_READ := 0x10) | (PROCESS_VM_WRITE := 0x20)
    if windowMatchMode
    mode := A_TitleMatchMode
    SetTitleMatchMode, %windowMatchMode%
    WinGet, pid, pid, % this.currentProgram := program
    if windowMatchMode
    SetTitleMatchMode, %mode% ; In case executed in autoexec
    if !pid
    return this.hProcess := 0
    return this.hProcess := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", dwDesiredAccess, "Int", False, "UInt", pid) ; NULL/Blank if failed to open process for some reason
    ; When the script exits/restarts any open handles will automatically be closed!
    ; That is, you don't need to call this function.
    ; if as an error when opening handle, handle will be null
    if hProcess
    return DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", hProcess)
    ; reads various integer type values
    ; When reading doubles, adjusting "SetFormat, float, totalWidth.DecimalPlaces" may be required depending on your requirements.
    read(address, type := "UInt", aOffsets*)
    VarSetCapacity(buffer, bytes := this.aTypeSize[type])
    if !DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","UInt", this.hProcess, "UInt", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, "Ptr", &buffer, "UInt", bytes, "Ptr",0)
    return !this.hProcess ? "Handle Is closed: " this.hProcess : "Fail"
    return numget(buffer, 0, Type)
    ; This is used to dump large chunks of memory. Values can later be retried from the buffer using AHK's numget()/strget()
    ; this offers a SIGNIFICANT (~30% and up for large areas) performance boost for large memory structures,
    ; as calling ReadProcessMemory for 4 bytes takes a similar amount of time as it does to read 1,000 bytes
    ReadRawMemory(address, byref buffer, bytes := 4, aOffsets*)
    VarSetCapacity(buffer, bytes)
    if !DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", this.hProcess, "UInt", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, "Ptr", &buffer, "UInt", bytes, "Ptr*", bytesRead)
    return !this.hProcess ? "Handle Is closed: " this.hProcess : "Fail"
    return bytesRead
    ; Encoding refers to how the string is stored in the program's memory - probably uft-8 or utf-16
    ; If length is 0, readString() will read the string until it finds a null terminator (or an error occurs)
    readString(address, length := 0, encoding := "utf-8", aOffsets*)
    size := (encoding ="utf-16" || encoding = "cp1200") ? 2 : 1
    VarSetCapacity(buffer, length ? length * size : (this.readChunkSize < size ? this.readChunkSize := size : this.readChunkSize), 0)
    if aOffsets.maxIndex()
    address := this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*)
    if !length ; read until null terminator is found or something goes wrong
    VarSetCapacity(string, this.readChunkSize * 2) ; this is absolutely not needed, but if you're reading large strings from memory
    ; performance can be slightly improved by increasing readchunksize
    ; e.g. memory.readChunkSize := 1024
    ; the *2 multiplier in varsetcapacity() can also be increased to improve long string concatenations.
    ; read a chunk of x size, rather than one/two bytes at a time, as each ReadProcessMemory call is relatively slow
    success := DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", this.hProcess, "UInt", address + (A_index - 1) * this.readChunkSize, "Ptr", &buffer, "Uint", this.readChunkSize, "Ptr", 0)
    if (ErrorLevel || !success)
    if (A_Index = 1 && !this.hProcess)
    return "Handle Is closed: " this.hProcess
    else if (A_index = 1 && this.hProcess)
    return "Fail"
    loop, % this.readChunkSize / size
    if ("" = char := StrGet(&buffer + (A_Index -1) * size, 1, encoding))
    break, 2
    string .= char
    ; don't need to blank the buffer as it will be completely overwritten, if the readmemory fails (very unlikely) then loop gets broken anyway
    Else ; will read X length
    if !DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", this.hProcess, "UInt", address, "Ptr", &buffer, "Uint", length * size, "Ptr", 0)
    return !this.hProcess ? "Handle Is closed: " this.hProcess : "Fail"
    string := StrGet(&buffer, length, encoding)
    return string
    ; by default a null terminator is included at the end of written strings for writeString()
    ; This property can be changed i.e.
    ; memory.insertNullTerminator := False ; This will change the property for all processes
    ; calc.insertNullTerminator := False ; Changes the property for just this process
    writeString(address, string, encoding := "utf-8", aOffsets*)
    encodingSize := (encoding = "utf-16" || encoding = "cp1200") ? 2 : 1
    requiredSize := StrPut(string, encoding) * encodingSize - (this.insertNullTerminator ? 0 : encodingSize)
    VarSetCapacity(buffer, requiredSize)
    StrPut(string, &buffer, this.insertNullTerminator ? StrLen(string) : StrLen(string) + 1, encoding)
    DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "UInt", this.hProcess, "UInt", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, "Ptr", &buffer, "Uint", requiredSize, "Ptr*", BytesWritten)
    return BytesWritten
    write(address, value, type := "Uint", aOffsets*)
    if !bytes := this.aTypeSize[type]
    return "Non Supported data type" ; Unsigned64 bit not supported by AHK
    VarSetCapacity(buffer, bytes)
    NumPut(value, buffer, 0, type)
    return DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "UInt", this.hProcess, "UInt", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, "Ptr", &buffer, "Uint", bytes, "Ptr", 0)
    ; This can be used to read various numeric pointer types (the the other various read/write functions can do this too!)
    ; This function is now mainly used by the other functions to find the final pointer address
    ; final type refers to the how the value is stored in the final pointer address
    ; Can pass an array of offsets by using *
    ; eg, pointer(game, base, [0x10, 0x30, 0xFF]*)
    ; or a := [0x10, 0x30, 0xFF]
    ; pointer(game, base, a*)
    ; or just type them in manually
    pointer(base, finalType := "UInt", offsets*)
    For index, offset in offsets
    if (index = offsets.maxIndex() && A_index = 1)
    pointer := offset + this.Read(base)
    IF (A_Index = 1)
    pointer := this.Read(offset + this.Read(base))
    Else If (index = offsets.MaxIndex())
    pointer += offset
    Else pointer := this.Read(pointer + offset)
    Return this.Read(offsets.maxIndex() ? pointer : base, finalType)
    getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*)
    lastOffset := aOffsets.Remove() ;remove the highest key so can use pointer() to find final memory address (minus the last offset)
    return this.pointer(address, "UInt", aOffsets*) + lastOffset
    ; Interesting note:
    ; Although handles are 64-bit pointers, only the less significant 32 bits are employed in them for the purpose
    ; of better compatibility (for example, to enable 32-bit and 64-bit processes interact with each other)
    ; Here are examples of such types: HANDLE, HWND, HMENU, HPALETTE, HBITMAP, etc.
    ; The base adress for some programs is dynamic. This can retrieve the current base address of the main module (e.g. SC2.exe),
    ; which can then be added to your various offsets.
    ; This function will return the correct address regardless of the
    ; bitness (32 or 64 bit) of both the AHK exe and the target process.
    ; That is they can both be 32 bit or 64 bit, or the target process
    ; can be 32 bit while ahk is 64bit
    ; WindowTitle can be anything ahk_exe ahk_class etc
    getProcessBaseAddress(WindowTitle, windowMatchMode := 3)
    if windowMatchMode
    mode := A_TitleMatchMode
    SetTitleMatchMode, %windowMatchMode% ;mode 3 is an exact match
    WinGet, hWnd, ID, %WindowTitle%
    if windowMatchMode
    SetTitleMatchMode, %mode% ; In case executed in autoexec
    if !hWnd
    return ; return blank failed to find window
    ; GetWindowLong returns a Long (Int) and GetWindowLongPtr return a Long_Ptr
    BaseAddress := DllCall(A_PtrSize = 4
    ? "GetWindowLong"
    : "GetWindowLongPtr", "Ptr", hWnd, "Uint", -6, "UInt")
    return BaseAddress ; If DLL call fails, returned value will = 0
    ; http://winprogger.com/getmodulefilenameex-enumprocessmodulesex-failures-in-wow64/
    ; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...s-in-a-64bit-process-from-a-32bit-wow-process
    _MODULEINFO := "
    LPVOID lpBaseOfDll;
    DWORD SizeOfImage;
    LPVOID EntryPoint;
    ; If no module is specified, the address of the base module - main() e.g. C:\Games\StarCraft II\Versions\Base28667\SC2.exe
    ; will be returned. Otherwise specify the module/dll to find e.g. Battle.net.dll.
    ; requires PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION + PROCESS_VM_READ (which is included by default with this class)
    ; Note: A 64 bit AHK can enumerate the modules of a target 64 or 32 bit process.
    ; A 32 bit AHK can only enumerate the modules of a 32 bit process
    getBaseAddressOfModule(module := "")
    if !this.hProcess
    return -2
    if (A_PtrSize = 4) ; AHK 32bit
    DllCall("IsWow64Process", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Int*", result)
    if !result
    return -4 ; AHK is 32bit and target process is 64 bit, this function wont work
    if !module
    VarSetCapacity(mainExeNameBuffer, 2048 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
    DllCall("psapi\GetModuleFileNameEx", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Uint", 0
    , "Ptr", &mainExeNameBuffer, "Uint", 2048 / (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
    mainExeName := StrGet(&mainExeNameBuffer)
    ; mainExeName = main executable module of the process
    size := VarSetCapacity(lphModule, 4)
    DllCall("psapi\EnumProcessModules", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Ptr", &lphModule
    , "Uint", size, "Uint*", reqSize)
    if ErrorLevel
    return -3
    else if (size >= reqSize)
    size := VarSetCapacity(lphModule, reqSize)
    VarSetCapacity(lpFilename, 2048 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
    loop % reqSize / A_PtrSize ; sizeof(HMODULE) - enumerate the array of HMODULEs
    DllCall("psapi\GetModuleFileNameEx", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Uint", numget(lphModule, (A_index - 1) * A_PtrSize)
    , "Ptr", &lpFilename, "Uint", 2048 / (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
    ; Use Instr() as module will contain directory path as well
    if (!module && mainExeName = StrGet(&lpFilename) || module && instr(StrGet(&lpFilename), module))
    VarSetCapacity(MODULEINFO, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 12 : 24)
    DllCall("psapi\GetModuleInformation", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "UInt", numget(lphModule, (A_index - 1) * A_PtrSize)
    , "Ptr", &MODULEINFO, "UInt", A_PtrSize = 4 ? 12 : 24)
    return numget(MODULEINFO, 0, "Ptr")
    return -1 ; not found
    ReadRawMemoryTest(address, byref buffer, bytes := 4, byref bytesReadR := 0, aOffsets*)
    VarSetCapacity(buffer, bytes)
    if !DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", this.hProcess, "UInt", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, "Ptr", &buffer, "UInt", bytes, "Ptr*", bytesRead)
    if !bytesRead
    bytesReadR := bytesRead
    return "Error " DllCall("GetLastError") "`nBytes Read: " bytesRead
    return bytesRead
    ; Return values
    ; -1 An odd number of characters were passed via pattern
    ; Ensure you use two digits to represent each byte i.e. 05, 0F and ??, and not 5, F or ?
    ; int represents the number of non-wildcard bytes in the search pattern/needle
    setPattern(pattern, byRef aOffsets, byRef binaryNeedle)
    StringReplace, pattern, pattern, %A_Space%,, All
    StringReplace, pattern, pattern, %A_Tab%,, All
    pattern := RTrim(pattern, "?") ; can pass patterns beginning with ?? ?? - but it is a little pointless
    loopCount := bufferSize := StrLen(pattern) / 2
    if Mod(StrLen(pattern), 2)
    return -1
    VarSetCapacity(binaryNeedle, bufferSize)
    aOffsets := [], startGap := 0 ;, prevChar := "??"
    loop, % loopCount
    hexChar := SubStr(pattern, 1 + 2 * (A_Index - 1), 2)
    if (hexChar != "??") && (prevChar = "??" || A_Index = 1)
    binNeedleStartOffset := A_index - 1
    else if (hexChar = "??" && prevChar != "??" && A_Index != 1)
    aOffsets.Insert({ "binNeedleStartOffset": binNeedleStartOffset
    , "binNeedleSize": A_Index - 1 - binNeedleStartOffset
    , "binNeedleGap": !aOffsets.MaxIndex() ? 0 : binNeedleStartOffset - startGap + 1}) ; equals number of wildcard bytes between two sub needles
    startGap := A_index
    if (A_Index = loopCount) ; last char cant be ??
    aOffsets.Insert({ "binNeedleStartOffset": binNeedleStartOffset
    , "binNeedleSize": A_Index - binNeedleStartOffset
    , "binNeedleGap": !aOffsets.MaxIndex() ? 0 : binNeedleStartOffset - startGap + 1})
    prevChar := hexChar
    if (hexChar != "??")
    numput("0x" . hexChar, binaryNeedle, A_index - 1, "UChar")
    return realNeedleSize
    ; This function will only WORK with AHK 32 bit builds!
    ; I'll improve this another time
    ; need to setup module / memory area scanning, so it only reads addresses which have read access
    patternScan(pattern, startAddress, maxOffsetMB := 0, byRef returnAddressAndOffset := 0, dumpSizeMB := 50)
    realNeedleSize := this.setPattern(pattern, aOffsets, binaryNeedle)
    if (realNeedleSize = -1 || realNeedleSize = 0)
    return -2 ;invlaid pattern was passed
    haystackSizeBytes := dumpSizeMB * 1048576 ;1048576 bytes in a MB
    haystackSizeBytes := 30 ;1048576 bytes in a MB
    maxAddress := startAddress + (maxOffsetMB * 1048576)
    bytesRead := 0
    aaaaindex := A_Index
    currentStartAddress := startAddress + bytesRead ; change this so it starts 1 full needle back from edge
    if (maxOffsetMB && currentStartAddress >= maxAddress)
    msgbox past final address
    ; return -1 ; notfound
    if (haystackSizeBytes != bytesRead := this.ReadRawMemoryTest(currentStartAddress, Haystack, haystackSizeBytes))
    if !bytesRead
    return " read failed - Probably reading part an area which cannot be read"
    ; msgbox % "here currentStartAddress " chex(currentStartAddress) "`nbytesRead " bytesRead
    ; return -3 ; failed to dump part of the process memory
    currentStartOffstet := 0
    haystackOffset := 0
    aOffset := aOffsets[arrayIndex := 1]
    if (-1 != foundOffset := this.scanInBuf(&Haystack, &binaryNeedle + aOffset.binNeedleStartOffset, haystackSizeBytes, aOffset.binNeedleSize, haystackOffset))
    if (arrayIndex = 1 || foundOffset = haystackOffset)
    if (arrayIndex = 1)
    currentStartOffstet := aOffset.binNeedleSize + foundOffset ; save the offset of the match for the first part of the needle - if remainder of needle doesn't match, resume search from here
    tmpfoundAddress := foundOffset
    ;msgbox % "tmpfoundAddress " tmpfoundAddress := foundOffset
    if (arrayIndex = aOffsets.MaxIndex())
    foundAddress := tmpfoundAddress - aOffsets[1].binNeedleStartOffset ; deduct the first needles starting offset - in case user passed a pattern beginning with ?? eg "?? ?? 00 55"
    break, 2
    ;msgbox % haystackOffset " haystackOffset" "`ncurrentStartOffstet " currentStartOffstet
    prevNeedleSize := aOffset.binNeedleSize
    aOffset := aOffsets[++arrayIndex]
    ;silly := aOffset.binNeedleGap
    ;msgbox foundOffset %foundOffset% `nprevNeedleSize %prevNeedleSize%`naOffset.binNeedleGap %silly%
    haystackOffset := foundOffset + prevNeedleSize + aOffset.binNeedleGap ; move the start of the haystack ready for the next needle - accounting for previous needle size and any gap/wildcard-bytes between the two needles
    ;msgbox % haystackOffset " haystackOffset"
    if (arrayIndex = 1) ; couldn't find the first part of the needle so dump the next chunk of memory
    else ; the subsequent parts of the needle couldn't be found. So resume search from the address immediately next to where the first part of the needle was found
    aOffset := aOffsets[arrayIndex := 1]
    haystackOffset := currentStartOffstet
    if foundAddress
    return 1, returnAddressAndOffset += startAddress + foundAddress
    else return 0
    ;Doesn't WORK with AHK 64 BIT, only works with AHK 32 bit
    ;taken from:
    ; -1 not found else returns offset address (starting at 0)
    scanInBuf(haystackAddr, needleAddr, haystackSize, needleSize, StartOffset = 0)
    { static fun
    ; AHK32Bit a_PtrSize = 4 | AHK64Bit - 8 bytes
    if (a_PtrSize = 8)
    return -1
    ifequal, fun,
    h =
    ( LTrim join
    varSetCapacity(fun, strLen(h)//2)
    loop % strLen(h)//2
    numPut("0x" . subStr(h, 2*a_index-1, 2), fun, a_index-1, "char")
    return DllCall(&fun, "uInt", haystackAddr, "uInt", needleAddr
    , "uInt", haystackSize, "uInt", needleSize, "uInt", StartOffset)
    ;sensfix by Stari4ok
  2. Artem Galyan

    Artem Galyan Легенда

    Брест, Беларусь
    Andrey_Tate нравится это.
  3. Kostya Monolit

    Kostya Monolit Известный

    Намана. ;)
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  4. Niko Santori

    Niko Santori Гл. Следящий за Гос. Организациями

    Топчик :D
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  5. Alexandr Jeff

    Alexandr Jeff БЫБЫЩЕ

    Andrey_Tate нравится это.
  6. Kurt_Dangeres

    Kurt_Dangeres USER

    Полезно :rolleyes:
    Попрошу разрешение закрепить у ст.администрации.
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  7. _qwsecret

    _qwsecret Легенда

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